As connected TV viewership has increased and advancements in ad tech allow for better, more unique experiences, marketers need to incorporate CTV more thoroughly into their marketing strategies. Through CTV, brands can connect directly to business results, feed the brand funnel with fresh new prospects, boost retention and acquisition rates, and diversify from search, social, and display. There are many ways in which retailers can best capitalize on connected TV and drive successful results.

The growth of CTV viewership and new advertising technologies has given rise to a powerful performance channel – one that is immune to the deprecation of third-party cookies. Now, brands see that CTV can drive acquisition and help deliver on sales goals.

Research shows that CTV is…

  1. Scalable
    More than 80% of households have a CTV device, and that number continues to grow.
  2. Engaging
    From 2012 to 2020, the increase in time spent watching AVOD rose an average of 200%! People want cost-effective options with more diverse and accessible content.
  3. Memorable
    Research shows that brand recognition on connected TV ads performs better than on social media.
  4. Effective
    82% of DTC shoppers take action after seeing an ad for a DTC brand on connected TV, and of those, 51% visit the brand’s website, and 47% search for the brand online.
  5. Precise
    CTV offers the ability to layer data to focus in on specific audiences using first-party, second-party, and third-party data to reach households. CTV data is also not reliant on cookies or IDFAs.
  6. Ad-Supported
    79% of CTV households watch ad-supported models, even if they have the option to pay more for no ads.

The benefits of tech advancements in CTV…

With recent advancements in CTV technology, there are more emerging T-commerce shoppable formats than ever before.

The ability to switch between devices using QR technology, as well as on-screen browsing options, and send-to-phone from-device capabilities, more brands are harnessing the power of these valuable CTV advertising tools.

  • Keeps people engaged with brands with two-way interaction
  • Provides more opportunities for brands to be seen on the largest screen in a household
  • Offers another way for shoppers to buy
  • Creates a condensed path to purchase

CTV best practices to help you capitalize on the new wave…

CTV advertising also allows for real-time measurement that shows the immediate impact of CTV campaigns, with a cross-device graph that ties TV exposure to online actions.

Real-time tracking also means brands can better conduct real-time optimization, such as budget fluidity to shift top-performing partners and remove poor performers, adjust advanced bidding strategies on audience and brand value, manage frequency, and increase reach.

Brands can then accurately score each impression to deliver the highest ROAS.

Best practices include:

  • Using precise audiences through first-party data and access to multiple partners
  • Allowing for the most optimized shoppable formats, such as preferential pricing, wide variety of inventory, and performance-oriented creative
  • Tracking, measuring, testing, and responding in real time to CTV ads

As with any emerging channel, CTV is most effective as part of a unified marketing strategy that brings together media, data, audiences, analytics, and creative architecture.

At KINESSO, we help our clients unify these constituent elements of a winning strategy to drive incremental growth.